I have less effort of posting blog entry due to my fingers which constantly acking... Once in awhile I became a silence blog reader to some spaces of my interest...and some short note to old friends. Other than that I tried not to stare at PC too much at night after coming back from work. Will see if my eyes getting better.... This some little challenges in life leads to deeper thought about life and the life after...
My wish list...
Keep smiling...be happy...
And some basic necessity of life..
23 July 2009
Happy Birthday dear!!! Oooo... love the pict of basic necessity No!!
May your year be filled with rahmah & barakah! Endure & persevere (my motto for now. sob sob!)
hugs from Coventry
Dear Am, Happy Birthday!
We may turn older with every passing year but we always have new hope every passing day.
Take care....
Selamat Hari Lahir buat Anggerik Merah!
Semoga harum anggerik tidak akan pudar, sentiasa mewangi hari-hari mendatangmu.
Semoga redhaNya bersamamu pada setiap detik masa berlalu.
Salam :)
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