Sunday, July 02, 2006

My one moment in time


Idham said...

for u anggerik:

a mom's love...a mom's pain
a mom's strife...a mom's ordeal
a mom's sacrifice...a mom's will
knows no limit
has no ends.

I salute u for u r a mom who cares
i salute u for u r a mom who dares

hide not the tears from me tonight
let it out....i will hold u tight.

i am the voice of ur lil man
i am stepping away...but in my heart u remains.

Mom, I love u with all my lil beating heart
U do what u got to do...I will be strong while we are apart.

*nukilan rasa idham on behalf of Lil Man for his WONDERFUL mom anggerik merah.*

Izhal said...

banyak betul kata2 hikmat... some were usful for me, thanks...

simah said...

the words of the wise has be spoken by idham

maklang said...

Take care Am...we luv you too. Lil man will be alrite, InsyaAllah...

anggerik merah said...

It is so lovely. Thanks. I am really speachless! *smile*.
Ponder a lot abt...if you see yrself in my lil man?

It has been there ever since i started. Glad it motivate you too.

hugs back.

TQ.Love you too.

aNIe said...

Banyaknya kata-kata hikmat dan kata-kata semangat...moga Anggerik akan terus berjuang hingga tercapai apa yang tersemat di hati...yang penting...moga Allah mempermudahkan segala perjalanan AM....moga dpt segera pulang ke dlm dakapan insan2 tersayang

Queen Of The House said...

AM, little man dah balik M'sia?
((( hugs )))

Put your heart into finishing your task in the best way possible. Tak lama lagi kan? Then you will have all the days to spend together. Take care AM.

anggerik merah said...

kak lady, thanks

QOTH, thanks. Hopefully soon.