Thursday, November 10, 2005

Buzy tapi....

Warning: not very interesting to read!!

Dah habih cerita raya yang panjang lebar tu...sambung buzy lah pulak kat office nie. Last week and weekend raya sakan so..kena cover baliklah. Apapun pi jugak baca blog orang lain...Just like a must everyday whether I am under stress or not stressful.

Yesterday..missed lunch sebab tergesa2 nak siapkan data analysis for meeting petang. At the same time kena tolong layan Indonesian delegates yang datang sini for training. On top of that having several machines running experiment for me and have to visit them now and then to make sure they are doing OK. By 6 pm dan balik rumah, have dinner lepas tu paksa diri tidur because the nite before came to office at around 2 am and stay sampai morning before balik rumah for short nap and b'fast. Then drove back to office. Semalam punya cerita, plan nak datang office lagi to be nite owl. Bila jaga dari tidur at 10 pm rasa masih tak puas tidur so sambung lagi.. Punyalah kuat tidur sejak akhir2 nie. Cud be mentally or physically exhausted or dah burnt out or penyakit MALAS...

Several years back, when I was working in msia, I used to sleep in the office at least two days in a week for a couple month. The reason being only at nite I cud write several proposals, do some research on the the technology to be introduced and study what is needed to do the project plus to sell the idea as well. In addition my house is a bit distance from office and I will be wasting my time and energy on the road bcoz of traffic jam in KL. There is a set of little sofa in my office and I have small TV plus other things that I need to keep we awake to work at nite and alsi a place to sleep. Teringat macam cerita Atenah tidur kat office...But I was not doing PhD that time, just working as Project Leader cum researcher.

The interesting part was our office security guard knew that I always stay back and sleep in the office. Every nite at 2 am, he came and asked me " Puan, ok ke?". Lama2 dia curious dan tanya lebih sikit.."Puan buat apa malam2 kat sini selalu tak balik rumah?". Aku sengeh aje..dia tanya lagi.." Puan buat PhD ke??".. Aku mula tergelak dan jawab " Tak lah...saya ada banyak project kena handle sekarang, lepas tu ada lagi project baru ynag nak kena propose. Jadinya kena stay kat office malam. Masa siang asyik meeting memanjang sampai tak sempat nak membaca. Tak larat nak redah jalan balik rumah..penat rasanya. Esok pagi2 nak drive ke office lagi."...Security kata.. " Oooo gitu ke. Saya ingat Puan buat PhD...". The moral of the story..kenapa masa tu boleh tahan buat kerja malam2 dan tak tahu letih...but now when I need to do that as a student, some resistance and banyak excuses dan body is so weak. But thinking further about that, I had gone thru the worse time for the first 2 years here sampai kena macam2 penyakit yang tak pernah kena masa kat Msia. Just hoping that I cud hang on a little bit more until reaching the finishing line of my mission here..

Sambung balik cerita kisah semalam dan pagi tadi..terjaga at 2 am ...dengar angin kat luar tu bergerun sangat dengan hujan sekali... makanya setelah deperkenan oleh penyimpan mohor2 besar..maka diistiharkan sambung tidur sampai pagi...Hari nie memang segar bugar...

Pagi2 pulak kena motivate Mat Kenit buat homework. Dia nie biasalah kalau nak buat homework especially writing sentences mesti nak make sure mama dia ada kat sebelah berleter dan inject idea for him. Tapi idea mama dia tak terima langsung. Always say not a good one. But he will modify and get his own sentences at the end. Itulah antara cabaran yang ku lalui sebagai mama. Most of the time he need my attention. That is what a single kid demand from Parent. Recently Mat Kenit and I had a discussion before went to sleep,

Mama: Mat Kenit, which one is your wish? Mama go to work and see you at nite plus weekend or me stay with you all the time at home?

Mat kenit: When we are in Malaysia, do you still have to work? Why you have to work?

Mama: Of course I have to work like before. We are here also bcoz of my work. I need to pay back all the money that my company spend on me when we are here.

Mat Kenit: I wish that you are always be around at home.

Mama: You mean you want me to run around in the house and play with you.

Mat Kenit: (He giggle and smile)..Yeah...

That is so sweet of him. Every morning before he left for school he will kiss me on both chicks, forehead and nose..then followed by "I love you" and "enjoy your school". Whenever I will leave for my school first, he will say the same thing to me..or sometimes if I want to continue my sleep he will wish me "enjoy your sleep and dream"..

I am buzy tapi nak blog jugak and also blog hop here and there...


Ely said...

AM cayang, dont work too hard. nanti ur tiny sweetie membesar and u will miss ur child growing up.

memang my kids tak suka benar when i work, they want me to be here for them all the time. now that my husband works fm home, it kinda conditions their wants.

they're 11 and 13, but still clingy!

Nadia said...

Am, so sweet...those are the little moments that we tend to treasure so much, eh?

i recently also feel so fatigued...donno why ingat nak pi check doc kot2l le anemic ke bcoz i did have anemia b4...

hubby kept saying I'm malas but i said's penat, not malas...but i donno...maybe jugak malas kot....aihhhh

anggerik merah said...

Ely, you are very right. When my son was really small I missed a lot of time watching him growing up until he became so attached to my maid. But now since we had been together for many years, we are so attached. Another thing will happen in January next yr when he has to go back first and leaving me alone here until I finish. He is 9 years old but sometimes I cud talk to him like he is a big man..

Glad that yr husband cud fill up the gap being there at home with the kids. Yr girl and boy sebijik muka you..especially the girl..

Ailin, pandai Akif use his strategy not to go to cute...

Nadia, lebih baik check ngan doctor. We can't take for granted abt health especially people like us who are very active and full of energy. Kalau tiba2 rasa penat & letih there must be something not rite with our body...well, we can sometimes distinguish when we actually malas..

Queen Of The House said...

Just last night I was thinking about this episode in my life : I was constantly fatigued and breathless. Takut sakit jantung ke apa ke (yes, hypochondriac betul) so I went to check at a doctor who proceeded to do all tests, including (horrors!) checking my breasts for lumps. Male dr lagi, but of course in the presence of the clinic nurse. Turned out I was anaemic, because I was having piles at the time. So kena makan iron pills etc etc. To Nadia : it is worth a checkup if you are constantly feeling tired.

AM, kids grow up too fast. But I had my time with them when I became a SAHM (now you know what it means, I hope).

Ely said...

AM, isnt it great when the kid grows up and they become ur friends? like mine, i talk to them like little adults. they care how we feel and we feel the same. enjyo the time while u can AM dear.

aNIe said...

hai anggerik last kak lady boleh lawat blog kengkawan...rindunyaaaaaaaaaa.....

Comel kan si kenit tu...tapi dah kita kene bekerja nak buat camaner...anak2 ni kadang2 kata2 diorang buat kita berfikir...

anggerik merah said...

QOTH, health is so important that I did not take it seriuosly until I was here. Horror examination by male doc tu pernah gak kena back in 1999 during the medical checkup for work purposes. Lepas tu kena lagi kat APSH.Ish geli nye...that time ada some kind of small hard tissue on the left side. Nothing serious. Balik next year need to check again lah. Yes, I always feel fatigue. Yoga and gym do help me plus lots of multivite. Tapi kalau kat Msia pergi pagi balik malam..the day is gone. What a life..

anggerik merah said...

RB...habih camner??

Ely, sekarang nie dah boleh tanya opinion in many things with the little one. I believe yours have grown taller than you

Kak lady + em&em, welcome back..