Thursday, August 31, 2006

Andai kau jauh...

Andai engkau jauh
Abadikan zaman mesra
Sewaktu kita bersama
Berjalan menyusur
Senja merah... senja merah

Masa telah berlalu
Tapi kenangan bersamamu
Masih menyala memberi ilham
Untuk lagu ini

Hantarkanlah suaramu
Supaya ombak rindu ini
Menjadi tenang kembali
Seperti dulu

Coretan di jiwa
Dihapus ombak masa
Pantai dan laut
Tetap jadi saksi

Andai ku ulangi
Sejarah hidupku ini
Akan ku pilih
Waktu bersamamu

Lagu: Julfekar
Lirik: Zubir Ali

Thank you sayang for sending "Zubir Ali 06 CD & M Nasir Sang Pencinta" to me.
And to my beloved lil man, thank you for asking mama if I like these songs.

Brisk walked to refresh mind for 1 hour around village. Inhaled fresh air (which I will miss it in KL). Feel contented and energised!

Selamat Menyambut Hari MERDEKA untuk semua rakyat Malaysia. Semuga ianya memberi sejuta makna untuk diri, negara & bangsa yang tercinta

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Leave home in the sunshine

Leave home in the sunshine:
Dance through a meadow
or sit by a stream and just be.

The lilt of the water
will gather your worries
and carry them down to the sea.

J. Donald Walters

Monday, August 28, 2006

Untuk renungan bersama...

Tertarik dengan article yang disiarkan dalam Utusan Malaysia August 26, 2006. Sedikit keratan nya untuk dijadikan pedoman and renungan kita bersama....terutama untuk diri saya yang serba kekurangan...

Jendela Hikmah: Empat punca hidup manusia tidak tenteram
Oleh Endok Sempo M Tahir

SEKUMPULAN bekas pelajar sebuah universiti berkumpul menziarahi bekas pensyarah mereka. Pensyarah itu amat gembira menerima kedatangan bekas pelajar yang berjaya dalam jurusan dan kehidupan masing-masing. Mereka bertanya khabar dengan penuh mesra dan terus terang. Perbincangan berlanjutan sehingga menyangkut kepada permasalahan berbentuk peribadi. Ada yang mengeluh, mengadu dan meluahkan perasaan yang tertekan dengan pelbagai permasalahan, tekanan hidup berkeluarga, dengan rakan di tempat kerja serta masyarakat sekeliling.

Pensyarah itu hanya tersenyum dan terus menuju ke dapur untuk mengambil cawan pelbagai bentuk dan warna. Ada yang dibuat daripada tembikar, kaca dan plastik. Ada yang cantik, penuh hiasan, kelihatan mahal dan ada yang biasa saja dan murah. Pensyarah itu menjemput semua bekas anak murid itu minum menggunakan cawan pilihan mereka.

Apabila semua bekas pelajar itu mengambil cawan yang terisi air, dia pun berkata: ”Jika kamu perhatikan, semua cawan yang cantik dan mahal itu diambil, yang tinggal hanya cawan yang biasa-biasa dan murah! “Begitulah lumrahnya kita hanya akan memilih yang terbaik (menurut pandangan luaran), sebenarnya itulah punca masalah dan tekanan hidup yang kita semua hadapi!”

Apa yang kita perlukan sebenarnya adalah air, bukan cawan itu, tetapi kita secara tidak sedar memilih cawan yang cantik saja! Demikianlah kehidupan ini – ibarat air. Kerjaya, wang ringgit dan kedudukan dalam masyarakat semuanya umpama cawan yang beraneka warna itu. Semua itu adalah alat atau pemudah cara untuk meneruskan hidup tetapi kualiti hidup tidak berubah. Jika kita hanya menumpukan perhatian kepada cawan, kita tidak ada masa untuk menghargai, merasakan dan menikmati air itu!

Apa yang pensyarah itu katakan bertepatan dengan apa yang al- Quran bentangkan mengenai jiwa manusia yang selalu berkeluh kesah dan tidak pernah rasa cukup. Pelbagai permasalahan kita berpunca daripada empat perkara:

# Kita hanya memandang dan menginginkan apa yang ada pada tangan orang lain. Kita tidak nampak atau lupakan nikmat di dalam genggaman kita. Walhal, Allah telah berikan kepada kita. Oleh itu kita tidak rasakan ‘keseronokan’ atau terasa nikmat dengan pemberian itu.

# Kita terlalu banyak ‘komplen’ dan komen (mengadu) dan mengeluh serta menyalahkan keadaan sehingga kepada permasalahan sekecil-kecilnya dalam kehidupan dunia ini. Tetapi, kita sering lupa kesusahan dan penderitaan sebenar yang bakal kita hadapi di akhirat kelak.

# Kita terlalu mengejar kemewahan, kemegahan dan glamor kehidupan sehingga melupakan tujuan hidup kita sebenarnya. Inilah sebenar ujian hidup yang kadang kala kita rasakan amat memeritkan untuk dihindari, pada hal kita tahu ganjarannya adalah syurga daripada Allah.

# Kita selalu menganggap kehidupan di dunia ini untuk hidup selama-lamanya. Oleh itu, kita menghabiskan seluruh sumber dalam diri semata-mata untuk membina pengaruh, mengumpul harta dan kemasyhuran diri seolah-olah ‘kematian’ itu untuk orang lain, bukan untuk kita. Kita lupa semua kejadian akan mati dan walhal akhirat adalah kehidupan abadi.

Oleh itu, dari sekarang kita hentikan perangai suka komplen, komen dan berkeluh kesah.

Kita hargailah kehidupan ini.

Kita jalani kehidupan sebagai khalifah Allah, melakukan yang makruf, melarang perkara yang mungkar.

Kita syukuri nikmat yang ada dan panjangkan nikmat ini kepada orang lain dengan memberikan khidmat menolong dan memudahkan kehidupan orang lain.

Penulis boleh dihubungi pada atau layari

AM, Signing off!
Latest update (August 27, 2006):

My sup (aka. my prof) is now at home recovering from operation. R and I go to hospital today to bring him back. My prof felt helpless not being able to inhale fresh air while he was in the hospital. Hence, he kind of insisted doctor to let him back home today instead of tomorrow. How? Wearing proper cloth (instead of hospital's one) as if he is going home since early morning so that the doctor will consider his wish. His wish come true! Not a bad strategy at all!

We pray for his speedy recovery.

R, his beloved wife, is so happy now and ANAK MURID also happy to see TOK GURU cepat sihat.

ANAK MURID perlukan TOK GURU untuk membaca buku karangannya...Semuga semuanya dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin. Ini adalah kerana ANAK MURID tersangat rindu pada kampung halaman, keluarga tersayang dan negara tercinta yang telah ditinggalkan sekian lama. Ameen.

Enough said and must go now...

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Enjoyable play the art of science...

Another collection of banners between terminal 1 and 3 of Heathrow airport.
These intrigue my eyes & brain (at least for me but not sure for others). Walking between these two terminals more enjoyable indeed.

The irony is enjoyable play the art of science!


Untuk Bunga rampai, ahni, OSH, Bro. Idham & Kak Nong,

thank you for yr concern & wishes on the previous entry. I had tried several times to reply to every comment. Unfortunately it was unsuccessful. I gave up. The following are update:

1) My sup has been transfered to ward yesterday morning. He has a speedy recovery. Dr justified an advantage for him as a sportman. He is the black belt karate man! I will visit him on sunday as I have to send and fetch his wife to/from the hospital. The wife just called me a few minutes ago asking if I could stay with her tonite. Unfortunately I can't be with her due to my current pain & work need to progress. Plan for tomorrow nite to stay at her house.

2) Alhamdullillah, my problem didn't recur up to now. Although I constantly have stomach pain (i.e. once in a while feel like knife cutting) but it is bareable. Ishh...sound weak. Slept and rested one day yesterday do help a little bit. I would only able to see doctor next Tuesday. Here, it takes a while to get Dr's appt unless it is really emergency case. And diagnosis takes ages too. Pray that nothing serious about it. It help to push the worry aside. Everything is in the mind right?

3) I had another 3 hours discussion with Adik F on my work tonite. He is a great help on synthesising some points residing in my mind which I could not sort out earlier. The story become clearer as we discuss.

What I am doing right now is the enjoyable play the art of science. Fun Fun Fun!!! Although still many challenges ahead, Insyaallah will get it done...

Take care and have a lovely weekend to all.

Signing off.

Saturday August 26, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Too short a holiday...

A long entry for a short holiday from blogging....

My holiday from blogging (i.e. not to have my entry posted) only lasted for few days. Today I came back to post entry. Why? It is probably the only means for me to express at this moment of time. I am not productive today.

My sup had to go under the knife for heart by-pass surgery. Last week he asked me if I could help his wife during the period of his operation. Being newly married and not yet familiar with this place and also not have many friends around, she needs friend. I told my sup, I have no problem at all to assist in any way I can. After all we are foreigners here and will need sometimes to get familiar with life here. I met his wife twice in campus but I never really had a chance to know her much. She is very lovely Persian lady, beautiful, very soft spoken and humble.

Two nights ago, his wife (R) called me to ask if I could accompany her at her house as she was afraid to stay alone. My sup was already hospitalized to prepare for next day scheduled operation. I only managed to reach her home which was only less than 5 minutes driving from my flat nearly 12 midnite. And she said she don’t mind as long as I could be there. I was with adik F, a proof-reader of my T, since early evening that night. We spent many hours continuously going through parts which need clarification and idea on how to make the story clearer.

At R’s house, R and I had short chat before she showed me the room and went to sleep. I am familiar with her house because my sup had once invited me & big man for tea and showed around. I continued to do some reading for while and went to sleep. I was totally in deep sleep.
The next morning as I woke up, R was already in front of PC in the living room. We had breakfast together. We get to know each other more as we talked about our background, our family and our life. I let her talked more because I knew from looking through her eyes, she was really worried about her husband’s operation. I could only comfort her by saying that many people had gone through this delicate operation and the success rate is very high although high risk associated with it.

Let’s just wish that everything will be fine for him. We know that he is very determine and full of courage to go through and recover from this operation. Furthermore he is still young (47 years old), so we should not worry too much. The rest we pray to God for his help. Once in a when as I saw her eyes full of tears, I hug her so that I could be close to her heart and her feeling at that time. Her eyes were stuck on the watch and saying that by this time her husband was already under the knife. I knew and I told her if I am in her shoes I would felt the same. But there must be someone around to comfort us and gave us strength. I have to act as the strength and pillar for her at this time.

I left her home and back to my flat. I went to office to do my work. I asked her to call me anytime when ever she got the news from hospital that he regain conscious and allow her to see him. I received her called to let me know she could see her husband in ICU at 7 pm. I cancelled my meeting plan with adik F that night as I don’t want him to rush and have only 1 hour discussion then rushed back as he also have to meet his friend.

I drove R to hospital. We had a lot of talk along the way until I didn’t realize I took the long route to hospital instead of city by-pass. Anyhow we managed to get there on time. When we were in the car, R mentioned to me that his husband always tell her about me. She said she is proud of me and admire me etc etc. I gulped. I just slowly said thank you to her and explain to her why I have to be like that.

Obviously, the life here had shaped me to be the way I am in some part of life. I have to be very independent and take responsibility since I am far from my love one. I don’t want to talk too much about me but I tried to inject loads of courage to her to be strong especially at this time. I understood from her that her life was never been difficult because she came from rich Iranian family. Once I heard she said "life is hard here". I have to agree with her but I said that we will not learn about life if only our life is all smooth sailing. We really get to know much more about each other during journey to hospital. We talked endlessly. We laughed on small little things. We talked about our parents and sibblings. We talked about how to survive in stranger place to us.

As we reached hospital, I can see how nervous she was. But I didn't want to let her feel very down. I felt nervous too inside me as I could not imagine going into ICU. But I must be strong for her. Alhamdullilah I had that courage in me. I remain calm and compose as always. It took a while for us to get into ICU as the hospital is so huge and we needed to wait for confirmation on the patient that we want to visit in ICU.

As we entered into ICU, we had to wash our hand and wore plastic apron. We could see a long row of bed with patients and all of them were unconscious. R was already had nervous breakdown as she thot her husband was one of the unconscious patient. She almost cried but the nurse said that her husband was at the other end. As we walked toward him, we had a better feeling as we could see he was on the upright position on the bed and was very well awake. Oh..thank God for that....

I could see how happy R finally to see her husband in that condition. Although he was wired everywhere on his neck and other part of his body but at least he could speak and greeted us. He thanked me for bringing his wife. I winked and smiled at him. I kept on saying to him “you look good”. I didn't recall how many times I said the same word to him whenever he said something to me or looked at me. Ohh…how speechless I was! I lost all the words from my brain. Although he appeared OK but I was sure he was in pain. Sometimes I could hardly hear what he said as he was wearing oxygen mask. He asked the doctor if he could take it off. The doctor didn't allow him. Instead the doctor change to tube into his nose.

Earlier on he introduced his wife and I to the doctor. Doctor told us that he made a very fast recovery. He might be transferred to ward anytime tomorrow if the progress continue. I let R and he have a moment together while my eyes was wondering everywhere to observe all unconscious patients laying on bed and all gadget around them. It felt really very scary if I let my emotion and sad felling control me. I don’t want to describe much what I saw. I felt that some of them might be fighting for their life. But I don’t let the emotion conquer me. I look at them as if I don't have any feeling of pity to them. Mainly because I asked my brain to think like that at that point of time and nothing much I can do about it. Deep inside me I thanks to Allah for blessing me with health and strength. Pray that those patient will recovery soon and lead a normal life again.

Once in a while I had a short glimpse at my sup and her lovely wife talking in Persian to each other. I could see how much love they have for each other. I told my sup while rubbing her back that he should not worry about her. She will be fine. I was jokingly said to him that he got a tattoo. A black ink written his name on his arm instead of having name tag on the wrisk. R told me that she was asked by the doctor to write his name there.

After a few minutes we were there, I saw R kisses her husband’s arm and stood-up. She said to me "lets go". I asked her if she was sure to go out now. She insisted. So we said good bye and left the ICU. On the way out, I could see her almost teary eyes. I hold her hand and rubbed her back as we walked to the lift. I told her don’t worry. He was really in better condition than others. Surely he will recover very fast.

In the car, I saw her face as if she was feeling sick. I asked her if she was not feeling well and I touched her forehead. She said she felt like vomiting after seeing other patients in the ward. That was why she could not stand to be there too long. In the car I tried to distract her from thinking about her husband and ICU too much. I asked her about her hobby and things close to her heart.

She told me that she loved reading such as psychology and she wanted to continue her education in Linguistic. She worked as a translator from English to Persian when she was in her country. I told her that I love reading pyscology, material about health, woman and home etc. I offered her some magazine that I have so that she could do some reading while alone. I proceeded to sent her home. And she asked me if I could stay with her tonite. I promised her to come back around 11 pm after having my dinner and settle a few things. She said she will wait for me no matter what time I decided to come.

I went home for dinner. I placed some magazine into a bag to bring to her. I had maghrib prayer and continued until Isyak. I suddenly felt very exhausted and I falled asleep in my telekung. I knew that I could not be able to move much instead just set myself on the bed. I woke up as I heard my phone rang. It was R. I apologized to her as I felt asleep and I was too tired. She was worried about me. She asked me not to come instead get some rest. She said she would be fine alone. I settled myself on bed until morning.

As I woke up this morning, I called R to see how she was coping. She sounded better although she said she could hardly sleep last night worrying about her husband. I offered to send her to hospital but she insisted not to do that because she didn't want to take my time and also she could manage herself there by bus. Many times she told me that her husband said to her not to take so much of my time since I was very busy at this time. I left it to her to decide and I offer her to call me anytime if she needed my help. I will also call her from time to time.

I was thinking back the reasons of me being excessively tired last night. As I recalled I saw some blood lump coming out together with stool at the office yesterday before I went to hospital to visit my sup. I was not sure if it all blood as I didn't notice at first. At that time some worry I felt but I settled myself not to worry and wait and see if it happened again. Today, I still felt tiredness and some pain in my stomack. However, the pain is tolerable. I did not go out from my flat and didn’t do my work either. Instead I did some cooking, blog hopping and emailing. I slept when I started to have cold feet.

I called home twice to speak to my mak. We talked about a new maid we finally got after a long waiting. She is from Acheh. She is 29 years old. Used to take care of children but not good in cooking. Mak will have to teach her what and how to cook. Alhamdulillah mak don’t have to sacrifice for me again. I don’t know how to pay mak & ayah for being there to take care of my family. I could only pray for their health and happinest in life.

Mak has so many stories to tell me on the happening back home. I can listen to her endlessly and I like to do that especially when I missed home much. I also told her about R and my sup. Mak reminded me to help people in need no matter busy we are. The sacrifice that we make for them is a “pahala” for us. I just listened to her as if I was still a little baby to her. Indeed I feel as if I am a little baby at this moment.

Mak was also telling a story of her one day event in kampong. She and ayah had to go back on emergency as her cousin passed away. At the same time she took the opportunity to visit many relatives who are sick thinking that she might regret it if something happen to them and she may not able to see them again. She described to me every single detail of our sick relative’s condition. She had really a busy one day event for running here and there. I envy her as she was blessed with so much energy despite of her health. I guess she has to do that to have energy for her to move on. Mak told me every where she went people asked about me and send their salam to me. Too many for her to list down name to me and mak just asked me to accept their salam.

I called home for the second time when I was on bed to talk to big man. I told him that I felt exhausted and didn't do much today. I mentioned to him about blood lump. He asked me to see doctor but I said wait to see if it happen again. I suspect it got to do with food that I eat. And what I need now is just to sleep hoping it will help me to regain my energy and to control my food intake not to have the blood lump recur. Losing excessive blood from body could be the main reason of my excessive tiredness. Not to worry though. If this does not improve, I will go to my GP.

I woke up for Zuhur and Asar. Received text message from Adik F. He could not make it tonite for discussion as he has meeting with his bos on strategic business and it will take very long hours. He asked for rain cheque. I agreed.

Then, here I was ...which I have no clue, I wrote this long entry and posted it here!

Keyboard off!

August 24, 2006 8:40 pm

Monday, August 21, 2006


Oleh kerana kesibukan urusan disini dan keadaan yang tak mengizinkan, AM terpaksa bercuti dari blogging untuk sekadar waktu. Insyaallah akan sambung kembali dikemudian hari.

Izinkan AM tinggalkan hasil nukilan yang tak seberapa ini (i.e. bakat yang dah berkarat) untuk semua yang sudi berkunjung di Anggerik merah's world....

Salam sayang untuk semua...

Semalam bagai mimpi
Ianya indah tapi sukar dimengerti
Biarlah semalam berlalu pergi
Bagai debu berterbangan dihembus bayu senja
Tak kan kembali lagi

Yang tinggal hanyalah
Kenangan mengusik jiwa
Memberi kemanisan diwajah
Melemahkan jiwa dan raga
Buat sedetik ketika

Berlalunya semalam
Antara reality dan fantasy
Sukar dipisahkan ertinya
Meninggalkan kesan

Rasai tempisan semalam
Bagaikan musim silih berganti
Datang dan pergi
Bila tiba masanya

Biarkan semalam berlalu pergi
Bersama mimpi-mimpi indah
Meninggalkan seribu memori
Sebagai kenangan abadi
Untuk mu semalam…

Selamat tinggal semalam

July 28, 2006 16:45

Saturday, August 19, 2006

So very sorry..

Dear all friends,

I have to apologise for not noticing that I had accidentally click on comment moderator. Hence all comments (over 50 comments) since August 6 was stucked. Silly me..!!! The fact is that I am still not well verse on this blogging thingy.

Finally I managed to respond to all comments. So sorry about this technical glitch on my side.

S dear, had I not recieved your email to ask me about this I would have not realise it. Thanks so much dear!

Lollies had been alerting me also in the comment...but I can't see either! Thanks Lolita dear.

Has dearest asked me if I am OK since I had comment moderator. Thanks.

Bro. Idham also asked me. Thanks so much.

Anyway, the mystery has been solved.

I had been buzy for the last 10 days. I have gone mad myself but I am still keeping my sanity.

What do I do to keep my sanity?

To describe a few...

I sing songs out loud just to get my voice out from my brain & chest (sometimes I feel as if I am temporarily BISU & TULI. It is normal la kan? I am not complaining, instead expressing)

Always be closer to HIM and talk to people around me.

Once in a blue moon I practice boxing on my sofa (this one is a new one).

Yes, feeding duck in the pond with my expired bread, tortillas, name it lah..all the expired one. Bro. Idham, you always recall my association with duck pond, dah synonym with me..hehehe. It work for me to keep my sanity!

(Fun to observe those selfish ducks who always want food just for themselves, no tolerance to others. Pity to see two aging swan couple which could harly walk to reach for food. I normally gave this couple a special treat. I took pictures of these ducks using my mobile. One day will blog about it to include the fact that if we want to catch the swans to eat in this country, permission from Her Majestry Queen is required. I didn't know this fact. Such a well protected species).

It feel good...

BTW, the song PELANGI MALAM...oppps silap ..PELANGI PETANG (posted earlier) which I have not heard for a long time, I heard it again from DITH's husband ( blog of video clip on GPM Humanitarian Relief Aid. Very sad to see those who had to go through tough life in their own country. How lucky we are to have luxury of life.

To be honest, whenever I am stressed, I kept on going to my blog and others too...Sometimes too many time in a day. Just the same as chewing my EXTRA!!!...

Deep in my mind I said to myself at one point...

"AM...stop it will ya!....again again should get away from yr PC whenever your are too tired..and get out from this place for a feed the duck or just walk crazily around quiet campus".

I guess, the unintended moderated comment had played trick on me so that I could be distracted from going into blogging ...

One more thing that didn't trigger my mind about this moderated comment was the server here had been yo yo for quite sometimes due to some power failure etc. Therefore, I thot that might be one of the reasons... More often than not, posted comments or entry, will hang...

I am so very sorry everyone!!

Thanks for lil man's b'day wishes. I will ask him to read the entry again with comment appeared. I am sure he would be smiling endlessly....

Have a good weekend..:-) Love ya all

Yes, I need holiday very very badly...

Friday, August 18, 2006

Pelangi petang...

Kumeniti awan yang kelabu
Kutempuhi lorong yang berliku
Mencari sinar yang menerangi

Kupercaya pasti suatu masa
Sang suria kan menyinar jua
Membawa harapan yang menggunung

Engkau tiba bagaikan pelangi
Tak bercahya namun kau berseri
Tapi cukup menghiburkan
Hati ini

Seharian waktu bersamamu
Tak terasa saat yang berlalu
Bagai pelangi petang kau kan pasti
Pergi jua...

Beautiful song of Sudirman...

Can sing this song during shower.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Your eyes speak your heart and mind
Your smile bloom flowers
Your laugh heal our pain
Your heart touch our heart deeply
Your hands hold both of us together

Your little fingers are pleasant to touch and play
Your stomach makes food happy
Your body is so warm and tender
Your feet walk a thousand miles
All about you is our precious gift

Today August 17, 2006 is our wish for you

“Happy 10th birthday my love”

From this day you will carry two digit number with you.

We pray that Allah bless you with the sweetest smile and laugh through out your life.

And we want you to know that we love you so much…

Thank you for being “our precious gift

August 17, 2006

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Invasion chaos scary

I can't take my eyes off most banners on the wall between terminal 1 and 3 of Heathrow airport. Hence I took several shots nearly a couple month ago as I was going up and down between these terminals.

The following pics would be suitable to reflect the situation from a couple days ago in most airport in UK.

My mind is in chaotic state sometimes during this stage. Fully indulge myself into only one thing in hand. But I still use my blog to divert my mind to express other thots, at least through loads of pictures and some words. It help my mind to think.

Good to have a few hours discussion with my friend on my work yesterday, tap my mind from my writing. A perspective from someone outside my area to read my work. He is still young and full of energy. He reminded me when I was at his age. Well, obviously for me, explaining through talking is easier than writing!

Feel good to be able to reflect how I survived tough time in the past, my past successes, experiences and self satisfaction on work. It helps to reset motivation and dream of future wannabe. But, I had come to the point that work is not anymore become the driving factor in life. I will take the challenge but being with those whom I love is number one priority. But it does not stop me from encouraging my friend to chase after it while he is still young and full of energy with all the opportunity given to him. I support & encourage him to go for it.

Also, a friend from Calgary called. He used to be my short term consultant in my project few years back. Very specialised in his technical area. He is an old man..50 plus. Very humble and down to earth person. Nice of him to checked with me every week how am I progressing and that is what he said he want to do every week. He offered to help reading my writing too. Loads of moral support from him and he become my back bone support at this moment of time.

A friend text to me.."how are u? Am at my son's convo. A proud father indeed! U go for ur ***. I will be a proud fren.". Very inspiring indeed! And I am imagining my convo already. I know I am jumping ahead. I keep on imagining...and keep moving forward!

Save the best to the last. Behind the curtain, my big man & lil man, mak & ayah for all their sacrifice. Thinking about them, make me feel like I want to go home now!

Being in front of PC most of the time, I can't help not to go and visit friends' blogs to read their thots and story. But for now, a reminder for me to limit myself. Tendency to spend time reading news on-line, check email, blogging...etc etc for a break from tired eyes? A better option for break is: get out from sitting in front of PC!!! Go outside..

Saturday Aug 12, 2006 9:36 am

Friday, August 11, 2006

A giant ship engine failed...

My friend send me this story...that teaches a lot.

I am sharing remind myself also.

A giant ship engine failed. The ship's owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure but how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a young.

He carried a large bag of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom. Two of the ship's owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed!

A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten thousand dollars.

"What?!" the owners exclaimed. "He hardly did anything!"
So they wrote the old man a note saying, "Please send us an itemized bill."


The man sent a bill that read:
Tapping with a hammer. ............. . $ 2.00
Knowing where to tap..........$ 9,998.00

Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your life makes all the difference.

It is weekend again...have a lovely weekend everyone!

Friday, August 11 2006

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Loneliness & Solitude

Our language has wisely
sensed the two sides
of being alone.
It has created the word "loneliness"
to express
the pain of being alone.
And it has created the word "solitude"
to express
the glory of being alone.

Paul Tillich (1886 - 1965)
My love,
sorry I can't be with you on your coming b'day this year. Hope you will have a lovely b'day party. We will make it up later. Tok was saying that it will not be fun without me. I told tok to proceed with all plan even without me. Will write to you for your b'day. I love you and always miss you...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Cool baby...

So cool baby.

Found this banner somewhere along the roadside...

Wonder what are they looking at or thinking... ????

I tested my score for DrPhiltest. The score said:

Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful and practical.

They see you clever, gifted or talented but modest.

Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return.

Those who really get to know you realise it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends but equally that it takes you a long time to get over it if that trust ever broken.

How true this interpretation?

If anyone interested in this test, do email me ( I will forward it to you.

August 7, 2006

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Some people opt for smoking as a way to relaxing when they stress-up…several pack of cigarette in a day..

but me ain’t smoke… I chew wrigley’s EXTRA.. I can finish 3 packs in an hour if I can’t control…

I don’t have the habit of drinking coffee or tea to stay alert. If I am not alert…I go to zzzzzzzzzzz a lot off late. This is not typical of me to have loads of zzzzzz. Normally I can survive with just 4 hours or less of sleep a day….especially if I am into something that can excite me.

This could be a sign of bored or mind & soul have gone travelling somewhere else.

Again, please ignore me as I am trying to get “in control” of myself at this time.

psssstttt….where is my EXTRA… @&%£$... I need it now!...

There it is.. I have to hide this from my eyes..

Last nite, I was sitting in the office with not much progress...Well, it is near to that time again. But I am determined to have a full control of situation!

Went home. Sat on the sofa. Slept until morning.

This morning as I was driving to gas station, again another song which is so lovely and so easy to sing. I sang myself out loud while driving just to let my voice out...

Funny enough I started to think of those friends whom I met in the past who really light up & make a different in my life... and my wishful thinking that they heard me.

I want to keep this lyric here for myself..again..(the truth is I can't get away from song...)

"You Light Up My Life"

So many nights, I'd sit by my window,

Waiting for someone to sing me his song.
So many dreams, I kept deep inside me,
Alone in the dark, but now you've come along.

And you light up my life,
You give me hope, to carry on.
You light up my days
And fill my nights with song.

Rollin' at sea, adrift on the waters
Could it be finally, I'm turning for home
Finally a chance to say, "Hey, I Love You"
Never again to be all alone.

You, You light up my life
You give me hope to carry on
-------------------------------------------------------------------- wish really comes true.. must be a telepathy I guess....

To my surprise, a friend whom I have not been in touch for nearly a year and remembering we had teh tarik & catching up happenings with our life on my b'day nite contacted me! Time really flies. Feel good though to know you still remember me...

Thank you friend for your wish & prayer! and I doubt you know the existence of this blog. Anyway, it is not important to know...

Opppssss......I said to myself...must be careful for what you wish always come instantly! (Of course I will always have my good wishes to come true).

Just like Instant Maggi mee..."cepat dimasak sedap dimakan" ...errrmmm...not sure if maggi mee fit into this context, but this is what come to my mind... :-) :-) :-)

Back to work.....

Friday, August 4, 2006 19:34

My speed of writing is faster than typing. Hence, all negative energy preferably will be deposited/poured into my 99 pence lil red book in the picture. Let it be there between you and me, my lil red book...

At the time of writing this entry I was feeling BLUE. Now is RED *wink*

Friday, August 04, 2006

Let life flow through us

somewhere in Russia.....

comes as the infallible result
of great acceptances,
great humilities -
of not trying to make ourselves
this and that
(to conform to some dramatised version of ourselves),
but of surrendering ourselves to the fullness of life -
of letting life
flow through us.

David Grayson

Source of pictures: Courtesy of my Russian officemate. Thanks to my dearest Ivan for sharing the natural beauty of Russia.

August 3, 2006

Have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Somewhere in Scotland...

Nature is painting for us,
day after day,
pictures of infinite beauty
if only we have eyes
to see them...
JOHN RUSKIN (1819 - 1900)
August 1, 2006 18:31
A bliss to feed ducks & birds at the duck pond on the way to final session with councellor. Talked about ... "what have I done today to make me feel proud"
I love music so much...This morning as I was entering bathroom for shower, this good old song which I have forgotten was on the radio.
Today, I want to leave this song here...
I don't know much (Aaron Neville & Linda Ronstad).
Look at this face I know the years are showing.
Look at this life I still don't know where it's going.
I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know.
Look at these eyes they never see what matters.
Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered.
I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know.
So many questions still left unanswered.
So much I've never broken through.
And when I feel you near me, sometimes I see so clearly.
The only truth I'll ever know is me and you.
Look at this man so blessed with inspiration.
Look at this soul still searching for salvation.
I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know.
I don't know much but I know I love you.
That may be all I need to know.
I don't know much but I know I love you
That may be all there is to know.