Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Serenity of country side and old castles-1

Journey of 100 miles on Sunday worth an effort to see what are out there beyond the 4 walls of my flat, office and lab. It is so serene and awesome! Added to physical fitness due to many miles of walking. Driving along a pictureristique area felt like stopping to just stare at it and not doing anything else...swallow the nature and frame it in the mind forever..

Threave Castle
Along the walking route (1 mile) to Threave Castle
Somewhere in Kirkcubright...In my dream, I wish it is my house facing the river
Dundrennan Abbey
Country side on the way to Dundrennan Abbey

The journey.....
by Anggerik Merah
Sunday April 2, 2006
Progress on T & matters that affecting it:
All chapters are still have so many holes.
Behind schedule based on earlier plan.
Need to catch-up!
Why it need to have mood to do it? Just do it!
Last 3 weeks ordeal left me with step by step crawling again.
Can't force myself at that time as I had very severe mental block + burnt out
Now, the block is gone after self hypnotised & moral + spiritual support all around.
Look at it again and no clue how to continue.
Free mind, relax and focus.
It has to move now...


Sya said...

Nice scenery... wish i can be there

Mr Hobo said...

I told my boss that i am taking leave tomorrow for 3 months .... anggerik .. tumpang balik boleh ka?

lain kali don't put pictures like this laaa ... i so jeles one

anggerik merah said...

Sya, yes it is really beautiful. I will have more to be posted. I still owe you and kak lady more pictures of snow. I will posted them when I have time to do.

mr hobo..for 3 months? Lama nye? Nak merayap kat mana? No problem I can tumpang...just stand along the road for the hitch hike. I have more coming as part of my collections in my blog when ever I feel like looking at them..I don't have time to write a story right now. So pictures will tell part of the story.

sue said...

nice snapshot..

aNIe said...

Bertuahnya AM...dpt melihat keindahan alam ciptaan tuhan...seronok kan...

HH said...

I somehow, note a high key in melancholy and I somehow detect its connection to the male. Hope, I've mistaken the vibes!


anggerik merah said...

Traveler, I wish to post the good one in my blog. Wherever I am I can come and have a look at them. Kind of theraphy for me!

Kak lady, alhamdulillah. I missed to observe nature when I was in Msia. Life was too busy. You know in KL. Pergi pagi balik malam. One day, kak lady will get the opportunity to see also. I pray for you.

Anim dear, pls give yr email. I will share with you my ordeal at this critical stage. Big huggg from me.

HH said...

Love AM,

Here's my mail - hhismail@yahoo.com

Write soon, I'll be waiting.