Monday, March 26, 2007

God given strength

My dear friends, I read, I ponder and I act. All I can say is thanks so very much for being here in my world.

I was away since Wednesday to spend precious time with my lil man and at the same time traveled back to hometown to attend to my sick mother. At the same instant, my big man is being hospitalized for hypoglycemia, news I received the moment I arrived at kampung.

Following that, as Allah had planned a few hours after my lil man and I came back to KL, I was in delivery room to console my only sister giving birth to her cute baby boy since my mother could not make it to be with her. An experience to feel the battle of life for most women has undergone a normal delivery. Watching that cute baby boy arriving into this world is an indescribable feeling.

Everything came at the same time giving me no break to even organize myself. Anyway, Alhamdullilah now everything seems to be under control. My mother is back on her feet, my big man has been discharged from hospital this evening, my sister is on the road to recovery, my lil man is full of enjoyment meeting his cousins and travel back to kampung and I will be back to office after 3 days of unplanned leave.

Most importantly, I thank Allah for giving me the strength I need to keep going in the midth of so many unpredictable happenings in my life which come at the same time. Deep in my heart and mind I believe that all these teach me to have more patients, to make a rational decision and to be more confident dealing with unpredictable matters in hand.

Now that I have time for myself, I set back and reflect on what I had been through in the past few days. I guess being the eldest, naturally I will be a strength to my family when they in need of me...that is God given strength!

Till then..


Monday, March 26, 2007, 0017


Queen Of The House said...

Wow, talk about everything happening at the same time! But alhamdulillah, I am glad you have the strength to take it all in stride - you are indeed a strong one. Once everything is back to normal, don't forget to give some time for yourself. Time for pampering .... back to the spa??

Take care, dear AM.

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah...all are well.

k.d said...

Masya-Allah Anggerik...

Alhamdulillah semua okay dah. I pray that you keep strong and keep in good health.

Please take care of yourself.

Eddie Putera said...

Huh..??? where am I ?? huhhh ?? am aliveeeeeeee...yeeehaaaa...


anggerik merah said...


Being in the office and driving to/fro office is my time alone. Yes, I am longing for spa again...hehehe..jom kita pi sama-sama.



Yes, Alhamdullilah..the critical part is over. Now under control sikit dah bila tengok semua dah sihat. If not risau juga..TQ

Yes, I must take care of myself too. Now I am better at using on and off switch. Otherwise I will drop dead..

Sorry, I missed YM with you. I was not in front of my notebook for many days. More of running around here and there.

Good to know that you feel warm now...Take care!


djinsakti, are alive again...but still could not find yr trace and home! Where are you ma man? Hope everything is fine with you out there...whereever you are..

Anonymous said...

being the eldest always takes a lot of strength..u having to be the pillar of everybody in ur family..regardless of the turmoil u have inside*hugs*

Alhamdulillah everything r better now...take care AM :0)

Kak Elle said...

ni kak elle dtg untuk beri semangat and alhamdulillah everything is settlesd now.Hope your mom is ok and hubby probably overworked himself and yr sis congrats with new baby.

anggerik merah said...

Simah dear,

Thanks..(((Hug))) back...
Wish everything is well for you & family


Kak Elle,

Thanks. I had been to Kak Elle's blog many times. Love to read yr story and those beautiful pics of yr family.

Nong said...

Alhamdulillah semua ok. You are a strong lady. Take time off and relax. Let me know bila nak gi spa, boleh kita meet up...

Take care.

Nong @ Dhaka.

anggerik merah said...

Kak Nong,

yes yes...a good idea...a treat to spa...I have to find time for it. But now I am really tied up...sigh..

Are u in Dhaka?

U take care!