Sunday, April 16, 2006

About collections of books and CDs

It has been my interest from younger days to read and listen to motivatonal books/talks...The first thing that I will search for whenever I am in the bookstore. Sometimes coming to think about it, I could have been a successful motivator if I knew my natural inclination.

But most often than not, we don't see what is our natural talent when we were young until we realise one day that the inborn talent would provide us with more satisfaction in life. But it is never too late for anything in life as long as we still keeping up with what we love to do...

Until now I am still crazy about these motivational thingy...Those are my recent collections of books and CDs from to fill up my little library at book on how to write T. I read this writing T book sometimes ago which I borrowed from library but being me who like to own the book I still buy it for me to keep..


Queen Of The House said...

Wah AM, I love your book collection. Looks like the books I would want to get myself :)

aNIe said...

AM...kak lady & hubby pun suka mengumpul buku...cuma kak lady banyak kumpul buku novel & hubby buku2 motivasi...

Bergen said...

How's things coming with change your life in 7 days? Will check on you 21 April - Malaysian time.

anggerik merah said...

QOTH, any book that you cannot find there, let me know. I cud get it for you here!

Kak lady, patut la pandai tilus cerita, suka baca novel..

Sir berg..I will report to you the changes on the due date..but how to report?

Ajzie said...

suka jugakkk. tp kat mmg susah bebenar nak cari buku. Kalu ada pun dalam German. Maybe kat bandar2 besar ada kot etc F/Frut or Stuggart. Kami duduk kampung..nun selatan Germany.