Saturday, April 22, 2006

What do I do..

Last nite, I left office at around 8.30 pm. On my way to my wee car I saw my sup’office is still lighting up. In the morning we met in the lab when I was engrossedly looking at the data displayed on the screen. Not noticing he was behind me. He came to inform everyone that he will be on leave for 3 weeks starting tomorrow, in case he did not see us before end of the day.

I pop-in to wish him a safe trip back home and to come back in one piece. He corrected me by saying “two pieces”.. oppp sorry I forgot!…and I giggled..."yup, two pieces". He is getting married in two weeks time for the second time after many many years being alone. All of us are happy for him and wish him a wonderful life to come. After his holiday, he will be back and then he will undergo heart bypass surgery… also pray that he will recover quickly..

All of these, indirectly, left my heart with dup dap dup dap…as far as my T is concerned. I must have my draft ready for him to comment. Meaning that my focus cannot go hire-wire…

Sometimes I could not understand why the energy and motivation do go down hill at this stage. Friend of mine said that we are too exhausted by now. Was so very energetic for a couple of years at the start. Where all these gone?

What do I do?? What do I do and What do I do???...

  • Pray that He bless me all the energy and motivation that I need to have my one moment in time
  • Take a break if I notice that I am no longer productive mentally and physically. Then re-accumulate the energy to continue again.
  • Shift my presence between home and office depending on the need, environment and mood.
  • Back to office to stay longer hours just like before as the day light is longer.
  • Stay cool and relax when I got stuck with something and can’t solve before getting someone to help me or give it sometimes to figure out what is going on..
  • Less blogging and blog hop temporarily. So where do I release my stress and loneliness in the midth of this journey? Maybe in my own personal day to day note which I need to recreate just to talk my brain out?

    My recent books and Mozart CD (CD cost 99 p. Will collect more from the store) collected from bookstore last Sunday…escapism from my exhausted mind and part of maintaining to live a healthy life! ;)).
    Part of my journey
    Friday April 21, 2006


Ely said...

try exercising every evening. it will take ur downhill attitude back up, insyaAllah and will make ur face glow too.

hang in there...huggs!

atenah said...

ala AM samalah kita, dok stuck kat situ lah jugak, am pulling an all nighter tonite. tengok ada progress tak

sue said...

Mozart is a good companion at times like this..

Count Byron said...

Take it easy AM, and lots of doa. You need doa of those around you too. Make sure you do not struggle (or suffer) alone. Gather around strong minds and characters.. and you will never regret that. They will be your source of physical/spiritual inspiration (physical bec u can see him/her physically.. how calm, how composed, how he/she handles own life and tribulations). I pray you will be safe , composed and be successful.

Nong said...

Dear AM,
Setiap hari, cubaan yang dihadapi silih berganti. Tabah, dan harus tabah. Jangan cepat give up. Teruskan usaha, sabar and banyak berdoa.

Semuga Allah permudah segala urusan...

anggerik merah said...

Ely, thanks dear. Will do that with my yoga. BIGG Huggg..

Atn laling, sorry semalam my lil man on VC with me. Kena layan dia coz dah seminggu tak ada masa nak VC. Part of my weekend obligation to my family. Nanti kita YM lagi kay! Take care.

My dear Traveler, next weekend I will collect bethoven. Hopefully still 99 pence.

Dear Le Count, thanks for yr word of wisdom. Will definately follow yr suggestion. My deepest appreciation for all your and countess advice/view when I was down suffocated in the deep ocean. May Allah bless you and yr family in return.

Nong dear, a lot I learnt from yr strength too. Thanks so much for sharing..

Norma Kassim PhD said...

those lists of things to do are already good for starters!!

Ella said...

Hi anggerik merah... stumbled upon ur blog.. n i think we're in the same boat... i only have 4 mths left before I have to submit my thesis... fenin... reading ur blog at least can keeps me motivated...

anggerik merah said...

Annckay, thanks. I smell the bunga melur here (in my mind).

Ella, thanks for dropping in. We are the same boat. Insyaallah we will get to the end. You are in Australia?